Article-HIV Assembly

Roles of RNA scaffolding in nanoscale Gag multimerization and selective protein sorting at HIV membranes

Through systematic comparisons of the nanoscale organizations and dynamics of Gag expressed in the presence or the absence of gRNA (so that cellular RNAs become predominantly packaged), we provide evidence that Gag progresses through quite distinct pathways to multimerize around gRNA or cellular RNAs. We also demonstrated that the two processes may lead to different transmembrane protein compositions in HIV membranes.


HIV-1 Gag proteins can multimerize upon the viral genomic RNA or multiple random cellular messenger RNAs to form a virus particle or a virus-like particle, respectively. To date, whether the two types of particles form via the same Gag multimerization process has remained unclarified. Using photoactivated localization microscopy to illuminate Gag organizations and dynamics at the nanoscale, here, we showed that genomic RNA mediates Gag multimerization in a more cluster-centric, cooperative, and spatiotemporally coordinated fashion, with the ability to drive dense Gag clustering dependent on its ability to act as a long-stranded scaffold not easily attainable by cellular messenger RNAs. These differences in Gag multimerization were further shown to affect downstream selective protein sorting into HIV membranes, indicating that the choice of RNA for packaging can modulate viral membrane compositions. These findings should advance the understanding of HIV assembly and further benefit the development of virus-like particle-based therapeutics.

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